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Dr. Azam Zabihi from Astrocent is currently on a 1.5-month scientific secondment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) in Italy. She is actively participating in the assembly of the DarkSide-20k mockup, a crucial phase in the development of this next-generation dark matter detection experiment.
Each day, the expert team at LNGS carefully assembles and tests the components of the mockup to ensure the system’s readiness for its next critical phase: cooldown and operation. This phase is designed to replicate the environmental conditions required for the full detector system’s performance.
The DarkSide experiment is a global collaboration focused on the direct detection of dark matter using cutting-edge liquid argon technology. Its highly sensitive detectors aim to uncover the elusive particles believed to make up a significant portion of the universe’s mass.
Astrocent has been an active contributor to the DarkSide experiment for many years, showcasing its commitment to advancing groundbreaking research in the field of particle physics. Dr. Zabihi’s secondment reflects the continued dedication and expertise of the Astrocent team in supporting this vital international endeavor.