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The Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT2024) workshop, hosted in the Jagiellonian University, took place in Krakow from October 1 to 4. The event examined topics in low-radioactivity materials and techniques fundamental to quantum information science and rare-event searches, including dark matter, solar neutrinos, double-beta decay, long half-life phenomena, and nuclear astrophysics.
The workshop featured updates from underground laboratories around the globe, as well as the latest information on all aspects of low-background detectors, techniques, and assay programs. It also included recent developments in advanced machining and 3D printing using ultra-pure materials.
The Astrocent team contributed with aposters by Marcin Kuźniak (‘Production of GEM-like structures using laser-cutting techniques’) and Iftikhar Ahmad (‘DarkSide-20k Veto photon-detector units: construction and characterization’).