Our colleague and active participant of DarkWave project, Maciej Kuzwa, has recently successfully defended his Master’s thesis in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Design with a specialization in Computer-Aided Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. The title of his thesis was “Analysis of the Feasibility and Optimization of a Drum Crusher for Concrete.” The thesis was supervised by Dr. Eng. Witold Rządkowski.
Maciej has been a valuable member of the Astrocent team since 2020, where he serves as a technician. He is actively collaborating with Group 1, led by Professor Marcin Kuzniak, and Group 4, led by Dr. Masayuki Wada. In 2023, Maciej participated in a testing campaign for the DarkSide-20k experiment performed at CEZAMAT and a significant measurement campaign at CERN.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Maciej and wish him continued success. We take pride in having such a talented individual on our team!