17–22 October 2021 the 32nd Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology was held. This series of annual international multidisciplinary meetings was created in 1989 by Jean Trân Than Vân and has covered many topics in physics, astronomy and biology. All sessions take place at the Château of Blois, a beautiful Renaissance castle which has housed many French kings, and notably François 1st.
The 32nd meeting emphasized the increasing interplay between high energy accelerator-based physics and cosmology. The conference consisted of plenary sessions for invited in-depth oral presentations (review talks) and contributed papers.
Dr Masayuki Wada, leader of research group 4 (AstroCeNT, NCAC), was invited to present the current status of DarkSide-20k construction and future prospects on behalf of the DarkSide-20k collaboration.