On June 3-7, 2022, the annual meeting of the DarkSide-20k Collaboration was held in Sardinia for the first time since the pandemic began. Scientists from more than 30 institutions around the world gathered to discuss the status, path forward and the most pressing issues related to the DarkSide-20k dark matter search experiment.
The meeting program was incredibly active. Every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., members of the Collaboration participated (on-site or remotely) in panel sessions, working meetings, and discussions on topics such as the construction of DarkSide-20k, the new dark matter detector, in the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, properties of the materials used, data analysis, infrastructure, and results of ongoing R&D projects.
On June 3, in addition to the main meeting program, Professor Marcin Kuzniak chaired a workshop in which the DarkWave project participants (PhD candidates Sarthak Choudhary, Paules Zakhary, Iftikhar Ahmad, Teena Vallivilayil John, postdoc Azam Zabihi,) presented the outcomes of their research work, as well as the results of scientific exchange funded by the DarkWave grant.
On June 7, the 8th General Meeting of the DarkWave consortium was held. During the meeting, the coordinator presented the results of the midterm review conducted by the European Commission. The participants discussed the recommendations received and also talked about the future tasks and challenges of the project.
The DarkWave grant enabled more than 20 consortium members to participate in the DarkSide-20k Collaboration meeting, which is a very valuable support for the activities of scientists from INFN, GSSI. TUM, CNRS, and AstroCeNT/NCAC.