On the 23-26 of January AstroCeNT team members visited 2nd Site Preparation Board (SPB) Workshop in Maastricht (Netherlands). The meeting was organized by the Einstein Telescope collaboration to discuss and review the progress of the site preparation activities for the Einstein Telescope. The agenda of the workshop included presentations on the status of the site characterization studies, updates on the infrastructure and logistical planning, and discussions about the next steps for the site selection process.
The workshop brought together scientists, engineers, and other experts involved in the design, construction, and operation of the ET from around the world. AstroCeNT members were also among the participants of the meeting.
Dr Mariusz Suchenek presented his group’s work on the infrasound installation in Sardinia. Dr Josiah Ensing gave more details on analysis of the infrasound data. Prof. Tomasz Bulik presented the vision for a future Bidbook that would include all relevant information about the proposed site for the Einstein Telescope, including its characteristics, as well as information about the country and details of the bid to construct the ET.
Travel to Maastricht was funded from DarkWave project.